lunes, 28 de junio de 2010


Es un vídeo que explica como utilizar Igoogle. Si tienes duda sobre Igoogle ve este vídeo y no te quedara dudas.

lunes, 21 de junio de 2010


Esto es un puzzle de mi artista favorita Brenda Asnicar. Completalo y sabrás de quién hablo.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

giving directions

Este cómic lo he hecho con Victoria, porque estabamos dando un tema de la ciudad.

a comic strip!

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

My village

Es un mapa sobre nuestro Pueblo, si quieres llegar hasta él visita este mapa.

Ver My village en un mapa más grande

The town hagman

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

I'm thinking of...

¡Son adivinanzas muy divertidas! Antes de irte tienes por lo menos que acertar una. Si te gustan las adivinanzas esta es tu etiqueta perfecta.

He is a person.
He is a man.
He is a famous.
He has got a lot of hair and curly hear.

I'm thinkin of...

She is a person.
She is a woman.
She is a famous.
She likes to sing.

I'm thinkin of...

It's an animal.
It has got four legs.
It has got a tail.
It's brown,black,white...

I'm thinking of...

It's an object.
It's made of lumber.
It's pink,brown,white...
It has got a door.

I'm thinkin of...

It's an animal.
It has got eight legs.
It's black.
It has got a web.

I'm thinking of...

It's an object.
It's green.
It's big.
It's in the school.

I'm thinking of...

It's an animal
It's four legs.
It has got two long ears.
It likes carrots.

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

I'm thinking of...

It's a fruit.
It's yellow.
It's elongated.
Monkeys like it.